6 December 2014

Game Status Update #4: Putting the game development itself on hold.

I have been reviewing my free time and my game developing schedule, and have come to the conclusion that much to my regret, I still am an idiot without any sense for time. As of such, I have decided to put the game production beyond mapping on hold, and finish working on the story first.

And of course, here is a song:

The Rumjacks - An Irish Pub Song

2 December 2014

Game Status Update #3: And here we go again...

So I have been having a few of RL issues lately, which are hopefully resolved now. As of such, I can finally put some effort in creating Legends of Meinan again.

Well, the map-making of the starter island, Strife Isle, is complete for now, unless I decide to add something more. Making the quests is proving to be more difficult than I hoped, especially now since there has been quite a while between now and the last time I was busy with creating a game in RPG VX Ace.

I'm also still busy writing out the story which the game is trying to tell, and I've currently reached a writer's block. That's also one of the reasons I decided to focus on actually creating the game, in the hope that some inspiration will come to me.

I'm hoping to have a playable version out by the end of this week, but at the same time fearing that it won't be ready by then. I suppose we'll see.

And as usual, here's a little song: